Safely evacuate with a real-time evacuation list
A dynamic evacuation list enables an effective evacuation in an emergency – and that can save lives. The access control data and information centrally managed in the system forms a basis for that.

Dynamic evacuation list
Evacuation lists are especially effective when your information and data are shown dynamically in real time. Interflex offers this option with a corresponding expansion module of the access control of the IF-6040 system. The list is continuously updated using the access control data and optionally from the time recording and visitor management modules and is thus always up to date. The list contains all recorded persons in the company, employees of external companies and visitors who were recorded by the system and were present on the company premises. During an evacuation or a fire drill, the persons in charge have a clear overview of which and how many persons are currently in a possible hazard area.

Up-to-date, flexible, efficient
The decisive factor that distinguishes the dynamic evacuation list is that it is always up to date, even during evacuation. As a result, it also registers the minute that a person checks out at a terminal and leaves the company premises. The person is then listed in the system as outside of the hazardous area. If an employee does not check in when entering the company premises, that is not a problem: After all, the dynamic list also takes into the data from time recording and registers when this person checks in at a time recording terminal on site and is thus on the company premises.
Support for presence check
With the digital evacuation list, which updates automatically, security personnel have a better overview of whether and which persons are missing at the assembly point. If any persons are missing, rescue measures can be initiated quickly and in a targeted fashion using the stored information. For instance, direct contact can be made with relatives. That is more effective than paper lists, which are still used for this purpose in many companies. After all, these are usually obsolete already during the printing process.
Regular drills to practice for emergencies
Companies are obligated to regularly carry out drills to allows persons to practice evacuating in an emergency. That is prescribed by Arbeitsschutzgesetz (Occupational Health and Safety Act) and Störfallverordnung (Hazardous Incident Ordinance). And this applies even more to companies that belong to the category of critical infrastructures (CRITIS). Their failure or outage can result in a heavy burden on the state, economy and large parts of the population. Critical infrastructures include, e.g., energy and water supply companies or healthcare facilities. Effective evacuation management is especially important for them.
- Current overview of all present and absent persons recorded
- It does not only take into account data from access control but also other data sources such as time recording or visitor management
- Continuous dynamic updating of database by recording current bookings even during evacuations
- Simple operation using a web browser, even possible for several users at the same time
- Employees can check themselves out at booking terminals at the assembly point
- Evacuation and fire drills can be carried out quickly and without long waits
Selection of products for access control
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