Mobile credentials with App Key
Credential technologies
With Interflex’s App Key, the smartphones of your employees become their own personal mobile means of identification. This allows them to make bookings at terminals for access control and record their work time instead of using an RFID credential. That simplifies the management and assignment of physical credentials. After all, conventional, analog keys or traditional identification media such as credentials, ID cards or tokens are frequently lost. And it becomes expensive when they have to be replaced or when you have to replace locks. With a smartphone as a mobile credential, the user receives the digital key virtually via the internet – and not physically at an office that issues credentials. This saves time and money. A digital key is especially suitable for branch offices without their own administration. In addition, mobile credentials are considered modern and innovative – which allows your company to stand out from the rest.
App Key opens doors
You can use the app to make bookings by presenting your smartphone to a terminal for access control and time recording. The app communicates with the booking terminals via Bluetooth® Low Energy technology for iOS and Android devices and on Android devices via Near Field Communication (NFC). The reading distance can be set for each terminal in the IF-6040 system. Optionally, you can also open doors automatically as long as the “automatic door opening” function is activated for far range. You can download the App Key free of charge from the Apple and Google app stores.
Initially registering users
In the IF-6040 system, you can determine centrally which users will receive a digital credential. They can then use a link or QR code to register on their smartphone. Alternatively, they can manually enter the registration information from the email into the app.
Mobile and encrypted
After user registration, the encrypted digital credential is transferred to the smartphone and securely stored in the app – and renewed cyclically as needed. All app connections – between software system and smartphone and between smartphone and terminal – are encrypted end-to-end. Misuse is also prevented, since the mobile credential is only valid together with the registered smartphone that is associated with it. Data protection is guaranteed, since the data are stored exclusively in your IF-6040 system and no third-party cloud services are required.
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