IF-4070 controller
The IF-4070 controller collects data from connected Interflex terminals and transmits the data in real time to the host system for time recording and access control. It sends booking decision back to the terminals. The controller is easy to install into 19” slide-in racks. When installed in a secure area, it is protected against sabotage and tampering. If the housing is opened without authorization, then a monitoring contact sends an alarm to the higher-level IF-6040 access control system. The controller can be integrated into an Ethernet network and can be operated over the internet thanks to asymmetric PKI encryption. If the host system is offline, the controller works locally, since it stores all data that are needed for offline operation. The IF-4070 is available in four versions: for two, four, eight or 16 terminals.

• Easy and quick commissioning
• Support of customer-specific credential formats
• Can be controlled centrally via IF-6040, including software updates
• Contact for monitoring the housing
• Integration into the overall concept of Interflex Managed Services
• Certificate-based asymmetric PKI encryption from IF-4070 to host
• Autonomous due to its own decision-making logic and local data storage when offline
• Bookings are transmitted to the host system in real time
• Compatibility with previous products

Performance features
• Control of terminals
• Installation into 19” slide-in rack
• Return of booking decisions to terminals
• Detection of sensor statuses
• Eight integrated relays and eight input contacts, allowing multiple devices to be controlled
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